Using Mtnl Wifi Modem as wifi router


Can i configure my MTNL wifi modem as wifi router only for my cable internet connection..
I use win 8.1..
My ISP has refused its not possible..any suggestions
modem routers typically do not have a WAN port so you cannot use it as a router
You can however use it as a wireless repeater/switch
I have managed to use my ZTE ZXDSL 531B modem and router bought from BSNL as only router in a limited way.
I have just connected LAN cable from my local ISP to modem and disabled DHCP in modem.
Limitation: Can use only as on demand dial. I had to make a new broadband connection that requires username and password from network connections and connect with my user/pass. Downside that only one device can be used at a time. Solution to this is virtual wifi router in a windows PC but that has to be on for all time to connect with other devices.
If anyone has ideas, pls let me know.
The catch is this, there has to be a device on your network that can perform NAT to a) Handle the data traffic from the WAN side to the LAN side
b) act as a switch to enable devices on your LAN side to see eahc other

The problem with a modem router is that the NAT happens internally between the DSL modem output to the LAN ports - roughly like this:

RJ45->DSL modem -> NAT -> LAN

Thus there is no real way to this
A super ghetto solution would be as follows

Connect your cable internet to one NIC on your desktop/laptop
Use ICS on windows(or any dedciated NAT software - assuming you are using windows) so that the system can act as a DHC and NAT server
Connect the router to the desktop though a second NIC - now you can use this modem

A much better option of course would be to simply get a cheap basic router from amazon for less than 1K