Using two wireless routers (with WDS) to extend wired network

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Doc Holliday

Hi guys,

I have a peculiar situation. I have two wireless routers, an older SMC router that supports WDS and a newer Asus 520GU loaded with Tomato firmware. The SMC can connect to the Asus via WDS (both support WDS).

Asus router is configured to connect to the Internet. IP

SMC connected to Asus via Wireless (WDS).

Now I want to connect wired devices to the SMC, and access the Internet (with Asus as gateway). How do I go about it? :huh:

Please help!
Are wireless devices connected to SMC successfully connected to internet?? If yes then might be some problem under lan settings. I request you to use dd-wrt as feature wise they are more powerful than tomato. I request you to connect SMC as repeater mode if possible will solve your all problems.
Yes, it is in repeater mode only. I think the system works only for wireless devices? Is that possible?

Edit: No wireless devices can't connect. No gateway response error on my Nokia phone.
WDS mode and repeater mode is different. I just request you flash your router with dd-wrt it has nice gui plus easy setup. If Possible flash Your SMC with dd-wrt.
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