Valve To Add Multicore Support To Source

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Valve's Hardware Days have become something of a staple in the world of the technical press. We first went out to visit the legendary game makers in order to see Lost Coast, then followed that up last year with coverage of the cinematic extensions to Day of Defeat.

This year, Valve is talking to us about what is possibly its most difficult iteration of the Source engine yet - adding multi-thread support to make the most of the new dual-core and quad-core CPUs coming from Intel and AMD. The timing of the day is to coincide with the release of Intel's Kentsfield quad-core chip.


AMDZone :: "]amdzone[/URL]
That interview is daft. "Most of the time the threads are reading, and you can only write when it is locked to you" (or something like that).

1. Sounds like RCU

2. The way he puts it sounds like they don't care about race conditions or atomicity at all.
It's good to see a company finally focusing on Multi-Core Gaming, however, i see little or no use for this action, Source engine is 2 years old, and it shows it age when compared to Modern Engines like JupitorEX, Unreal 3.0, CryENGINE2 among others. as much pun as it sounds, Source Engine no longer has any Steam left in it, it would've been much wiser for VALVe to add MC Support to Source2 instead of injecting adrenaline in something this dead.
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