VCD Making Software?

Hello friends,
Recently i got to know about a software ConvertXtoDVD from techenclave only... its an awesome software but one movie takes the size of the full dvd... i mean even a movie of size 490mb takes up 4.32gb.. so i was wondering is there any software with which we can create vcds? :)
hey i tried that diko thingy.. it was working fine.. adn video encoding was done.. after that audio encoding was done too.. but at the end there came sum syncro error and it crashed.. :( 1 hr wasted lol
Sumeet a.k.a NEO said:
hey i tried that diko thingy.. it was working fine.. adn video encoding was done.. after that audio encoding was done too.. but at the end there came sum syncro error and it crashed.. :( 1 hr wasted lol
^ Happens sometimes if the AVI file is not proper in some aspect. Can't help it though! :S
btw, there's a huge fan base for DIKO out there!