Very cheap PC required for a needy person - Donation

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Any of you who have old PC parts or unusable rig, willing to donate or charge a small price, please PM

Its required for a very poor person, who wants to use it for her studies
any basic rig to learn programming would do

My friend is organizing this, Please dont crap this thread, any suggestions please PM

I would prefer Chennai / Bangalore folks as shipping costs can be avoided

I have an old P3 246mb ram 20gb hdd, 17 inch syncmaster monitor desktop, which i am not using. The cd drive dosent work. If it is really meant for a poor kids education, you can arrange for it to be picked up from my place.


Thanks amit25589, the price will shoot up as i need other components as well
will revert if i need it

amohit said:
I have an old P3 246mb ram 20gb hdd, 17 inch syncmaster monitor desktop, which i am not using. The cd drive dosent work. If it is really meant for a poor kids education, you can arrange for it to be picked up from my place.


Thanks bro,
It surely is meant for a poor person's education, its a contact personally known by my friend, who asked my help to arrange it, since he doesnt know much on computers/hardware

where are u from, if Chennai, i will arrange it to be picked up locally, Please PM me the details
bump folks!
sorry for delay in response, have been very busy for past few weeks, was arranging stuff thro various folks willing to donate, but none of the deals have gone thro yet
First anyone with possibly old CPU+Mobo+RAM (with or without HDD) willing to donate/charge little amount - plzz PM me
Once i get this core stuff ready, can get the accesories from other folks as well

reason: I dont want to get ur stuff and hold it with me for nothing
hey spectre, i've got one intel mobo (D101GCC, don't remember exactly, but will confirm) + ram(2 sticks of 512mb) + a heat-sink with its copper side peeling a bit but the thing is that i was using this system and it was working fine till jan when i bought g31 mobo and a new hsf, so i have them spare..

they were all working fine till that time..

well this is for charity but i'm a student with limited budget so i left it for you, u quote d price if u want these things.. let me know..
hackboy89 said:
hey spectre, i've got one intel mobo (D101GCC, don't remember exactly, but will confirm) + ram(2 sticks of 512mb) + a heat-sink with its copper side peeling a bit but the thing is that i was using this system and it was working fine till jan when i bought g31 mobo and a new hsf, so i have them spare..

they were all working fine till that time..

well this is for charity but i'm a student with limited budget so i left it for you, u quote d price if u want these things.. let me know..

Please could you test them and ensure they are working :)
Its for a friend who is organizing this and i want to arrange only good working parts
I guess it can take only a Pentium 4 or Celeron D proccy
do you have proccy as well, else will wait for any proccy deal and revert back to you. appreciate the response. thanks :)
Please could you test them and ensure they are working
Its for a friend who is organizing this and i want to arrange only good working parts
I guess it can take only a Pentium 4 or Celeron D proccy
do you have proccy as well, else will wait for any proccy deal and revert back to you. appreciate the response. thanks

well as i said, they were working fine when i replaced them in jan, though i'll check the rams coz i'm more suspicious about them. i'm sure mobo would be working.. i can't check the mobo coz for it, i'd have to remove my proccy and hsf, etc which is a risky work coz i'm not having any thermal paste etc..

yes u r right, it can take P4s..

sorry but don't have a proccy coz i'm using it in my current setup..

Guys, the girl got a new PC donated to her by a kind person :clap:
Around 16K value i heard

Many Thanks to all the folks who came forward to help, much appreciated

Please note: I have not procured any item so far for this, so i got nothing to return back
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