Thanks for ur replies guys!
Cooler Master SickleFlow 90CMF 2K RPM 19dBA look good for me if its available @400/-.
I gonna use the fan inside old iBall case(for exhaust) which doesn't have any transparent side panel and even doesn't have front mess.
So,LED gonna be meaning less and I could save few bucks if non LED cheaper than LED.
Could not find SickleFlow non LED at FK and
Have to try end of the week at Chandni,Kolkata after Bandh.
Talking of cheap 120mm case fans, I found the Zebronics 120mm case fan worth Rs.120-150 to be pretty decent at pushing out air. Although I haven't used it myself I can recommend it if you already have a case with some what decent airflow. This fan is usally available in red in almost any computer shop.
I have Zebronics 120mm LED case fan with y Bijli case.
Which working still fine even after almost 4 years.
Though average run time 6 hours per day.
Should I try any cheap non LED for intake ?
SickleFlow for exhaust and CM BC for intake ?
Anyone heard about GlacialTech & Amigo fans ?
I never saw them at local market though.