Freefrag Contributor Jul 17, 2009 #1 i tried to play with my friend an exibition match...but i can't use the multiplayer mode...when he chooses a player it says "press button 4" so i press it, but it doesn't work...
i tried to play with my friend an exibition match...but i can't use the multiplayer mode...when he chooses a player it says "press button 4" so i press it, but it doesn't work...
É É±É‘É–É–Ê Explorer Jul 17, 2009 #2 I know it wont be a joystick problem coz u wud have known. Maybe u can ask SEGA West
b00gieMan Explorer Jul 28, 2009 #3 Any progress? Did you get any work arounds for the issue? am facing the same issue.
N Neutrogen Apprentice Aug 21, 2009 #4 Im having the same problem, please let me know if make any progress thanks