Graphic Cards Virtually upgrade ur video card


Well, let me begin by saying that this mod is of absolutely no benefit to performance ,however it does affect geek egos. ;)
Now,many of us overclock our cards to he next "higher" version eg. a 6800 overclocked to say 400/800 is performance-wise no lesser than a 6800GT.So why have the driver remind you that its still 6800?
Solution:Use rivatuner's device id programmer to make the driver identify ur card as what it should be.
I was pissed off that despite my card (128-bit 5700LE) doing a 425/510 the driver would still recongnize it as an LE.So here goes nothing:
Program ur desired ID string in rivatuner and reboot.U may need to reinstall the driver after this.
PS:This for cards based on same chips like a 6800LE->GT.Its not a good idea to program ur 5200 as a 6600GT though if u feel ur highly overclocked 6600@550/730 should be called a 6600-GT,nothing is stopping u from making it one,virtually! :cool2:
Hehe, nice one applies for me actually as my 6800NU is unlocked to 16x6 and overclocked to 375/800, which can be OC'ed more.