dmserver.dll known as darkmoon trojan
dmserver.dll (darkmoon trojan) - Details
If dmserver.dll is present on your computer, your pc might be infected with a form of the darkmoon trojan.
dmserver.dll is considered to be a security risk, not only because antivirus programs flag darkmoon trojan as a trojan, but also because other sites consider it a Trojan as well.
darkmoon trojan is likely a Trojan and as such, presents a serious vulnerability which should be fixed immediately! Delaying the removal of dmserver.dll may cause serious harm to your system and will likely cause a number of problems, loss of data, loss of control or leaking private information.
Backdoor.Darkmoon - Symantec.com
refer the above link to get rid of the infection
and hey next time pls google coz that what i did for the info....always remember GOOGLE IS THE BEST FRIEND U GOT.....