Vista churning out DVD coasters

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okay. after years of easy DVD burning in XP i have run into a wall with Vista!

DVD writer = Samsung TS-H552B
OS = Vista x64 ultimate SP1

I am trying to burn the ISO for windows 7.

- Vista does not have native support for ISO files
- Tried the ol' faithful Nero 6.6: It's not compatible with Vista x64... junked before burning
- next tried Nero 8 lite: installs in a jiffy. starts burning quickly and then stops at ~20% with some CRC error... 2 moser baer costers ready:@
- next tried imgburn. This one reads the DVD+R as a +RW and promptly sets out to 'Format' the disk. Coaster #3.

I'm almost out of empty DVD's trying to burn win 7. help.

oh ya, tried win 7 in vmware. works all fine.
try active iso burner. Check the filesize of the image, sometime it does happen that you are trying to burn a shortcut of the .iso.
Ashampoo Burning Studio 2009. If this doesn't work get your DVD drive checked. Something can always go wrong.
WTF , just installed Vista Yesterday and had exactly the same problem on a TSST-SH222A , i installed CD Burner XP ., in advanced options set speed to 4x and ticked override drive speeds and it worked fine , burned 5 dvd's this way , earlier loat 3 verbatims because every time writing would stop at 26% and i got a CRC error in both the default burner and nero
any chance of a corrupt ISO? but you say it worked under vmware... burning worked fine for me in Vista x64 on samsung octo-edge SH-S203D
vishalrao said:
any chance of a corrupt ISO? but you say it worked under vmware... burning worked fine for me in Vista x64 on samsung octo-edge SH-S203D

Vista x64 user here !!! Try Ashampoo. Works fine for me with my LG H10N.
Guys ..

i am having same problem at my end on vista.

tried to burn 4.3 GB worth of data on a dvd, the buffering process started and did seemed pretty ok..

but before it could proceed to the writing section i got the msg saying that there is some media error and the tray ejected the dvd.

Using Ashampoo Burning Studio 8,version 8.01

help me out mates...
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