Vista Home Premium 64bit Retail - Where to buy it from?

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Sorry for raising the old question again. :P

Can any one guide me where I might be able to get Vista Home Premium 64bit Retail from, preferable from Bangalore itself?
I don't think u can buy the 64bit as such in retail.
U'll have to buy a retail 32bit pack from any of the stores in S.P. Road and then contact Microsoft for sending u the 64bit OS DVD. :)
VanishingNerd said:
Sorry for raising the old question again. :P

Can any one guide me where I might be able to get Vista Home Premium 64bit Retail from, preferable from Bangalore itself?

You CANNOT get 64bit home premium in any markets :P

What you can get is 32-bit Vista Home premium. Then, mail MS support and ask them to send you a 64-bit disc. They will charge you some shipping etc. Thats the ONLY proper way.

Alternative: Buy 32-bit home premium retail. Then simply download a 64-bit DVD from somewhere and burn it :D The key remains the same for both 32 and 64. SO yours will still be legal copy since the key is original.
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