Vista mEdia Center playback issue

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I recently tried my hand at Vista's Media Center and facing a peculiar issue.

I have added my movies folder, it has been indexed, files are shown and all but when I try to play them, it says"File not present at the location" and when I try to play avi files via "Open With" it still doesn't plays. I usually use VLC and MPC and for codecs, I keep my K-Lite Mega Codec pack updated.
What version of Vista, I faced that problem with Vista x64 trying to play DivC, Xvid files, that was bcos the Media Center is a 64 bit application and if you do not have 64 bit codecs it will not play, you can try FFDShow x64 and x32 version and then it should play

Hope this helps
I've Vista Ultimate(64-bit) SP2 and now that u've mentioned it, all my codecs are 32-bit. So it means I've to get 64-bit codecs? If that's the case can u direct me to some reliable source?
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