Vista-NuoveXT Shellpack, Change the look of XP


Here comes Vista-NuoveXT, Team TeV's latest Universal ShellPack!
--- Overview ---

"BricoPacks" Universal ShellPacks, created by Bricomix, allow the installation of the pack on any Windows XP version (32 bits), no matter what the language is!
This new ShellPack is based on NuoveXT icons made by Saki
the visual style Vista is from Jemaho
and the wallpaper, Ostentatious grass was made by doubl3d
This ShellPack also includes some small softs, useful and fun!

- IColor Folder by our friend Kemenaran, a small application that allows you to change the color of a folder!
- LClock by RCube is a longhorn-style clock that takes the place of the usual one in your taskbar.
- RocketDock: is a Dock by the Punk! Software Team and its backgrounds Aero Frosted Glass by PDidee
- ÃœberIcon by the Team Punk! Software: is a small application that adds effects to your icons when you double click them (very nice result!)
- Yz'Shadow by M.Yamaguchi: software that adds shadow to your windows.

After this overview, let's take a look!
--- Vista-NuoveXT on pictures ---

--- Download ---

Vista-NuoveXT ShellPack v1 (14,68Mo)