vista problem guys urgent help needed

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Guys this is what happened.....................
last month i bought a 500gb harddisk i removed the sata limiter in the harddisk

iv splitted it like this 35+85+350gb and

i installed xp in that drive it worked fine

2 days back i installed vista sp1

installations went fine

now this is ma problem .....after the startup..after 2 min or so if the system is idle its working fine if i do any work vista stops working that is the screen just pauses where it got stuck no mouse movement or anything...................

i ve installed sp1 twice and vista normal once they all have the same problem................... but xp seems to be workin fine..........................

is the problem lies with sata limiter ???
run a full/slow HDD check for bad sectors of HDTune software...

it is also possible bad RAM since vista uses memory more randomly (all over the place) than XP... so do a memtest too...
Screen Hang is usually a RAM problem and comes mostly from overclocking or bad RAM. Do a memtest and u'll come to know or run ur RAM at default speeds. :)
talking about the RAM i got this problem 2 weeks ago
i got replacement for my gfxx card after installing new card i got cont beep from ma cpu

so i took off the ram and inserted it again first only one one ram worked then the next day i tried the second one it worked

so u guys say the problem is with ram
guys i took off my lg dvd drive off my sata port which is my second sata drive now only the hdd is in.....its been 1 hr so far no crash or probs...let me chk what happens
yea for some reason the dvd drive does conflict happened with me also check if u plug it in again if its freezingg u might have to get ur drive checked at a friends or cousins place
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