Vista x64 Unable to write to the temp directory .... check you have the write acess t

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Bought a new sony HD video camera

Vista giving errors while installing Sony Vegas Movie studio

"Unable to write to the temp directory .... check you have the write access to this directory"

Assuming the temp director may be full I emptied all yet I cant install it.

I am running an admin account so permission should not be an issue.

I then checked the my user account\AppData\local\Temp folder properties it was "Read only" so I changed the attributes & unchecked the Read only status but the problem remains as it is & the folder attributes don't change, may be Vista is preventing me to change the permission, not sure if its Vista x64 issue or the Sony software issue.

How to solve this?
maybe the sony software is not vista/x64 ready... try right-clicking the setup exe and choose run as administrator...
vishalrao said:
maybe the sony software is not vista/x64 ready... try right-clicking the setup exe and choose run as administrator...

I tried running it as admin by right clicking but it still gives the same error.

Sony site does not say anything about x64 compatibility but most software which are not x64 get installed in 32bit mode on a x64 Vista.

Sony Creative Software - Vegas Movie Studio Release Notes

4.0 System Requirements

The following lists the minimum system requirements for using Sony Creative Software Inc. Vegas Movie Studio software:

  • Microsoft® Windows® XP SP2 or Windows Vistaâ„¢
  • 800 MHz processor (2.8 GHz recommended for HDV and AVCHD in Vegas Movie Studio Platinum)
  • 200 MB hard-disk space for program installation
  • 256 MB RAM (512 MB RAM recommended for HDV and AVCHD in Vegas Movie Studio Platinum)
  • OHCI-compatible i.LINK® connector*/IEEE-1394DV card (for DV capture and print-to-tape)
  • Windows-compatible sound card
  • DVD-ROM drive (for installation from a DVD only)
  • Supported CD-recordable drive (for CD burning only)
  • Supported DVD-R/-RW/+R/+RW (for DVD burning only)
  • Supported BD-R/-RE drive (for Blu-ray Discâ„¢ burning)
  • Microsoft DirectX® 9.0c or later
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (included on application disc)

Seems some vista issue, let me try installing it on other xp system.
OK Problem solved found this thread|en&u=

The original french version

Installation Sony Vegas Movie

Start All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> disk CleanUP and tick the option of temporary file. (Earlier what I cleaned was Temp Internet Files so it was not working)

The exe file I downloaded is not an installer but a zipped file so it needed to unzip the contents of the file before installing.
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