visual basic 2005 and other courses in NIIT?

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i have few hrs to spare during evenings. i really wanna get into Reporting(preferably six sigma) a guy so dont know much about softwares..

anyway, would like to know if the courses offered in NIIT for visual basic 6/2005
are any good., i also wanna learn how to integate this in excel thru VBA..

first i tought of learning on my own..since i have net at everything is going over my head:S

need help.else ill be stuck in the BPO industry for a very long time!!
In india, over the next 2 - 3 years, most of the IT majors are gonna look for BSC, BCOM students who are willing to work for less salary. i.e. 15k a month. The fact is that, the future projects are expected to be like that, testing, and maintenance. For that a few weeks of training will do. Imagine getting 4 ppl to work in the place of a guy who might ask 60k? Firms will love it.

Now answering your question, the best thing would be to either get urself involved deeply in web development kinda stuff or get a profession away from computers :-). I am serious.

Work in these I.T firms in india and within a few months you'll learn this.

That is the truth

Would love to hear counter views :-) I too need some pep talk :D
u got the whole point worng man

i dont wanna get into IT field atall

reporting is eniterly different from IT..tough few courses might be helpful
If you want to learn programming seriously, then learn it on your own. Dont waste money on NIIT or some other institute. If you are more interested in getting some sort of certificate than in learning, then join NIIT or any other software training institute.

@scarsinme: you are absolutely right about the IT firms, especially the services sector. Shamefully this applies more so to the companies of Indian origin. For a fact, I know Infosys when it went for campus recruitment in some reputed colleges declared computer science graduates inelibible as they would demand a higher salary or leave the company when they get a better opening. In many companies M.Tech graduates are not eligible for the interviews.

moreover, these companies do not know how to utilize the people they recruited. My friend and classmate who is an M.Tech in IT from IIIT like me was recruited into TCS and he was made to do some sort of boring data entry kind of work for almost 1.5 years. He got fed up, took 3 weeks leave and secured 6 offers in some good companies and left TCS for good. When I was at college I vowed that I would never join these kind of companies even if I did not get any other offer and I never will in future. People in TCS and Infosys, no hard feelings, you yourself would have felt the same and agree with me.
NIIT's study mats are very good, actually that is the only good thing from them. Try to XEROX from NIIT guys even if he/she asks money for it..... its worth it.

No one studies 2005, all study .NET technology. The basic and common things not even advance things like security, web-services, SOAP etc. and the new features of newer version.

BOOK and MSDN is your only friend.
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