VLC 0.9.2 Grishenko released

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Well, they have thankfully updated the UI and... as far as i have used it, just the UI.

Played one HD file on KM and VLC both, VLC looked pale and dull. Tried to tweak using easily accessible options, found nothing.
I dont care if those options are there to be tweaked somewhere deep inside.
There is still a long way to go before they can compete with KM for the personal use player. It might rule the streaming player market, but not for personal use yet.
Go to viseo adn use windows gdi as the renderer..considerable improvement in the video quality..esp the colours..

But the whole video was banded with very thick lines..as if it was interlaced or something..:S
I get blank video (black screen) on "Directx 3D video output", which worked fine in earlier VLC versions.

The performance is gone horrible on my iBook, again compared to earlier versions.

While the UI changes on windows are good (finally, the controls in fullscreen), I except more updates coming sooner to fix new issues.

EDIT: NVM about blank video, got it working. Nothing great there. In fact subs look degraded under Directx 3D video output. Directx video output is better one.

I tried window GDI, but the scaling is horrible. Though colors looked good.

Anyway, that was too much ranting for something I hardly use on Windows. On the OSX side, I think I'll revert back to old version. I tried tweaking few things, but the damn thing is crazy hog in playback.
the interface is a lot better!!! but there is a bug when u run in full screen. d controls keep poping up even when u din't call them.
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