VMWARE Questions

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I have installed VMWARE on my laptop to run windows XP Professional over the default windows vista. I have a few questions regarding the same. Actually this machine is to be used by my dad for tally and i don't want him to get confused with this vmware thing.

1. If my vmware OS is running and i connect a USB device to my laptop, how
can i ensure that the USB device is detected only by windows XP (VMWARE OS) and not by my host system.

2. In what mode should i use the network connection. The current setting is "Host Only: Private n/w shared with the host". Is this ok ?
My Dad will be using LAN connection in his office to use the network mapped drives and access company resources for his work. I dont want him to face any issues on this front.

3. I have allocated 6GB MAX for my VMWARE OS. Can i now increase this size to something like 10GB or more? I do not want to reinstall the VMWARE OS.
PS: I have windows XP installed on my laptop on another partition and also setup the system in dual boot, but since i havent still found XP drivers for my laptop, i am not able to connect to network, neither the display is coming good. Thats the reason i am resorting to VMWARE.
1) USB driver will be detected only when u had installed the VMWare Tools in the Vitual OS..

USB drive will be detected in the current active OS.. i.e if u are using Virtual OS then usb drive wil be detected on ur virtual oS(VMware)... vice-versa

2)u can use Host Only: Private n/w shared with the host to share the internet . u can use internet simultaneously in both the OS..

3) I donno exactly to increase the size... but some way is there..or else u can add extra virtual drive to ur Virtual OS
1.if usb is enabled in vmware, then i think that takes over and host system doesnt read it9default

2.i stick to bridged connection(default)

3.in the vmware foldfer there is a file-vmdiskmanager or similar...its a commandline application,you can change max size in there...but you will prolly have to create a new partition in the virtual machine to use that space
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