VMWare Server is Free Now


In competition to Microsoft's free virtual PC announcement, VMWare made its VMWare server free from 12 July 2006
Experience Server Virtualization -- Free!

Begin enjoying the benefits of server virtualization with the free VMware Server. VMware Server installs on any existing server hardware and partitions a physical server into multiple virtual machines by abstracting processor, memory, storage and networking resources, giving you greater hardware utilization and flexibility. Streamline software development and testing and simplify server provisioning as you utilize the ability to "build once, deploy many times."

Source :VMware Server

You have to register to obtain serial number
oh that's rocking :)

has any1 checked sourceforge or similar software(even FreeNAS) which run on vmware...one of my friend was testing it(since we want to get rid of M$ VSS) and my arpwatch reported a new machine on the network..i checked the vendor and it was vmware..it got the IP assigned by the DHCP server on our LAN...i could ping that ip on the LAN..that's really kool...

Yup its cool.. I am running my webserver on VMware. Since i have static IP by VSNL i use NAT + Port Forwarding through VMware to allow port 80 , 22 access to the world..

Its pretty good. I mentioned it in the MS-VSS thread...

Has anyone else using it for some time ??

For example if i get a DC processor. Can we run VMWare on a core dedicatedly ?? I think that would improve performance.
Yes, you can use dual core and VMWare. In fact there are a number of fancy things that can be done. Wait till Linux gets the next kernel patch out. I think it will have CPU hotplugging support, which will really make all this fun.
^^ Dual core aint necessary... If ur host OS is not running demanding application and a Guest OS on Vmware will run without any issues. I run Apache + PHP + Mysql on VMware on 512 MB of total RAM.
Yup any time dude... Check out www.joshmachine.co.in sometimes... Its online most times a day ( if there is electricity )... I run a blog now and testing Phorum ( a free Forum software like PHPBB but different ... pssst MySQL forums is probably running on this...or probably VMWare forum... )
Saran143, what exactly does your previous statement mean? The idea of a virtual machine monitor is that it runs with AS LITTLE INTERFERENCE as possible. The user in fact, should never even know that it exists, only the creator of the VMs need know.