.VOB tops out at 1 GB or more

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Hi all,
I bought some DVD's & almost all of them have .vob file (DVD format) where the .vob file format tops out at 1 GB. Now is there some kind of limitation on how big the .vob file can be as regards to comps. or is it a limitation for DVD players?
Also any idea which other formats may dominate or push the envelope as far as space & resolution are concerned. To illustrate my point, let's say I bought 3 in 1 DVD where there are 3 movies, to my horror the 3 movies are in 3 .vob files of 1 GB each but each movie doesn't start from the start of the file. The next movie starts somewhere in-between the file. Looking forward to different ideas,suggestions et al. Thnx in advance
AFAIK a .VOB file has a max limit of 1GB.
You could try converting into any other format you think of. The whole DVD structure is well portrayed at videohelp.com. There is also a huge forum out there with good techies willing to help. Head over there and I guess you'll find the right answers.:D
.VOB files have a limit of 1 GB. .99GB rather.

They will never be more.

You can set it to lesser if you want. not more.

Instead of 1 file of 4.7 gb on a DVD, youll have 5 files. The first 4 @ 1gb, the rest in the 5th vob file.

Theres no problem.

Playing it in the DVD Player on your TV, should play it automatically.
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