Voda costumers help

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Guys few days back i have got the pocket internet of my vodafone number activated and getting 40mbs everyday for Rs.4.
Please tell the number through which i can get the info regarding how much MB's are left in my account..
I tried vodafone care but because today is sunday , i think there is no response from their side and i need to check the amount left immediately.
I guess they can't tell you how much of data (MB) you have used and will ask us to check it on our own (I used the widgets/apps in my Andriod phone to find my usage). If you are using daily i.e. 40MB for Rs 4, it means (30 days) 1.2GB for Rs 120 which is expensive compared to the normal Vodafone Mobile Connect plan of Rs 98 for 2GB, again this is in Chennai so not sure of your area..
That's right, there is no USSD for knowing that, only the CC guys can tell you otherwise use your counter. And remember to clear the counter every day(in your case).
I can check my 2GB /99Rs data plan monthly balance by *225*6# . There should be something similar for your plan .Call Vodafone care and ask :).
usually it is * (the 3 digit no u put to check your balance) * (usually this is one of the nos btn 1-9) # this is how we checked. Mine was *141*9# to check usage, and i use *141# to check my balance.
thanx guys for quick response..bt today i called CC and asked them...theya sked me to send INTBAL to 144 for balance and its working like charm...thanx
Vodafone CC has become horrible. No one has picked up calls for the last two days.

What all numbers can we call?

How do I add numbers to the Family and Friends circle? The usual is not working.
wr8_utd said:
Vodafone CC has become horrible. No one has picked up calls for the last two days.

What all numbers can we call?

How do I add numbers to the Family and Friends circle? The usual is not working.
yeah, exactly.....i m even unable to call 111. before connecting, my fone is disconnecting the call bcoz of bad service..

for another costumer care number, visit vodafone india site and select ur region...u will get alternate number
From Contact Us in Vodafone site "Call Vodafone Care on 111 from your Vodafone mobile phone or on +91 9884098840 from any phone."

BTW @ OP, yesterday i got migrated to Prepaid, while i was in post paid, CC said they can't find my usage and now am in 200MB for 3days @ Rs.14 and I can find my balance by typing *131*14# sorry for my initial post that the usage can't be found :(
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