Vodafone CC not helping

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Contaced CC with by problem he assured to resolve within 24-48 hours. Even after 3 days there's no hint.

Now when I try calling 111 there doesn't seem to be any option to talk to the executive. Has the number to talk to CC changed or something? On 111 there's the IVR talking without giving any option to talk to CC.

Should I contact the nodal officer now?
Visit nearest Vodafone Store (not mini store) and screw them
1st time Tweet politly let them accept you & than tweet your problem ONLY TWEETER now works for Vodafone cutomers. Time to change vodafone (service provider)
I tried calling 198 twice, at night and at day time working hours and it said "Cannot help you this time". and 111 has no option to talk to a human. I guess, I'll have to visit the store.
I tried calling 198 twice, at night and at day time working hours and it said "Cannot help you this time". and 111 has no option to talk to a human. I guess, I'll have to visit the store.

#Cloud-S This means 198 is blocked for your number, you can use someone else's vodafone number to contact cc. I once had a problem with 3G pack activation, was promised a resolution in 48hrs, 7 days went by and nothing happened. Finally escalated the matter to the nodal officer through e-mail and got a call from them after two days that they have activated the 3G pack.
#Cloud-S This means 198 is blocked for your number, you can use someone else's vodafone number to contact cc. I once had a problem with 3G pack activation, was promised a resolution in 48hrs, 7 days went by and nothing happened. Finally escalated the matter to the nodal officer through e-mail and got a call from them after two days that they have activated the 3G pack.

how can they block a number for registering complaint?? I mean, instead of resolving problem they blocked the damn number. Great.

I tried calling from my postpaid number but he said that he can do nothing for a prepaid connection and for that I have to call from a prepaid number only.
All these service providers have the same thing... Too many calls to CC and the number is blocked for many days.. i experienced this when i put a GPRS 2 month pack and it wouldnt connect.. complained many times still not resolved my validity almost over CC wont bother even higher officials wouldnt do anything. FInally i am letting go of the 200 bucks i put on it
how can they block a number for registering complaint?? I mean, instead of resolving problem they blocked the damn number. Great.

I tried calling from my postpaid number but he said that he can do nothing for a prepaid connection and for that I have to call from a prepaid number only.

If you call 111 more than 5 times in a day, they will block your access and you will be stuck in the press # for so and so loop. To restore access and to speak to an actual person call 111 from some other vodafone number, explain the issue and ask them to restore access on your own number. It sucks but thats how it is. I found this out when it happened to me.
Similar case happened to me but on Airtel, they blocked me for a weak, then I called them only to hear "I dont know anything about it", "Anymore problems", "I cannot give that information" then .......... "Thank you for calling Airtel, have a nice day"

I mean wth!!!
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