My wife's iPhone X is using Vodafone India. She recently shifted from Postpaid to Prepaid. She wasn't using the SIM when it was on Postpaid since she was In USA but now with she being In India, the first thing we did was convert to prepaid.
I am not completely sure about the plan but she told me its something like 500 rupees for 3 months with 1GB per day data and unlimited calls and text.
Honestly I have no clue about current plans in India as haven't used any since last 3.5 years so I have to get more details from her about the plan.
Now her phone is stuck on "Waiting for Activation" and it never activates. Does anyone know what is missing or what is to be done?
I am not completely sure about the plan but she told me its something like 500 rupees for 3 months with 1GB per day data and unlimited calls and text.
Honestly I have no clue about current plans in India as haven't used any since last 3.5 years so I have to get more details from her about the plan.
Now her phone is stuck on "Waiting for Activation" and it never activates. Does anyone know what is missing or what is to be done?