Vodafone Mobile connect settings

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Hi guys , just now activated the gprs using the 14 rs recharge to check out the gprs speed of vodafone , its damn slow (~2kBps) while connected to laptop using N70 via bluetooth , now wanna check out in my HUAWEI E1550 usb modem( unlocked idea netsetter:P) but cant get the settings, can anyone here help me out pls...
Vodafone Mobile connect is pretty fast. Vodafone live is dead slow.

Vodafone Mobile connect is approx 20 - 28 kbps speed. Check your settings.
Praks said:
Vodafone Mobile connect is pretty fast. Vodafone live is dead slow.

Vodafone Mobile connect is approx 20 - 28 kbps speed. Check your settings.
nope... i gave the access point as www only, vodafone live access point name is portalnmms rite?
These are my settings.

Name Vodafone
apn WWW
Proxy Not set
Port Not set
User name Not set
Password Not set
Server Not set
MMSC Not set
MMSC proxy Not set
MMSC port Not set
MCC 404 Not set
MNC 86 Not set
Authentication type None
APn type Intenet+MMS

Also is the VMC activated from Vodafone side also? What i meant is simply changing these settings may not get your VMC activated.

gursud said:
These are my settings.

Name Vodafone
apn WWW
Proxy Not set
Port Not set
User name Not set
Password Not set
Server Not set
MMSC Not set
MMSC proxy Not set
MMSC port Not set
MCC 404 Not set
MNC 86 Not set
Authentication type None
APn type Intenet MMS

Also is the VMC activated from Vodafone side also? What i meant is simply changing these settings may not get your VMC activated.

I'm getting connected to vmc in my mobile, but when I use in data card , its not getting connected ... :-(

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now its workin fine,, but speed is very poor

I would say Hold on MNP is coming... Anyways No use using Vodafone in Bangalore, They dont have 3G license.

Just grab Airtel / Aircel.
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