VR/AR accessories for XBOX Series X/S like the Metashot bat


My wife came across this https://metashot.in/ while quick commerce shopping and then realised that this was released about 8 months ago when i checked a few reviews on YouTube.
She wanted me get this for myself to get some physical activity indoors as well.
I'm that kind who finds this a bit too quick to invest in such gadgets before I rule out the alternatives.
The graphics of this game on TV looks like it is from 2 decades ago although the idea is super nice.
The few reviews that I saw of it had the reviewers raving.
This left me thinking why there isn't such an accessory for the Xbox taking advantage of better graphics and game design.
I do know if thrust master racing wheels and cockpit sets for flight simulator, but nothing else.
Hence a question for you folks - Has any one of you know of such accessories for the Xbox?
I saw their Shark Tank episode and felt the display needed to be above a certain height to get the feel of the incoming delivery. I think most Xbox users place the display at eye level. Also the feel you get in a Racing Wheel or Cockpit controller is closer to first hand experience. In MetaShot you are not actually hitting the ball instead just swinging it based on the display projection. It reminded me of that Tennis game which had Web Camera-based movement (20 years ago).

That's the reason for limited Xbox accesories.