W810i Transfer Question

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Just picked up a SE-W810i , trouble is , problem is the transfer from HDD-> Cell using the proprietary Disc2Phone sucks. It takes about a minute odd to transfer 10 megs.

What i have planned is the stick the pro duo into my PSP , do a drag-drop there and viola. So far so good. I would just like a confirmation that no file system changes are done by the s/w. I just don't want to run into corruption early on. :)
Oh and one more thing...... been getting these Hutch live messages a lot , where the hell is the setting to turn it off :D

Your psp would not recognize the mspd unless it is formatted in it's own file system. I doubt if the removable disk would show up in that case. Instead get a card reader for about Rs 200 along with a ms pro adaptor, will be much faster that way.
Well looks like curiosity got the best of it. It worked fine, i am however planning to pick up a card reader , since the price you have mentioned is dirt cheap.

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