Wall mount and TV tuner card for Samsung P2370 and speakers for Samsung le22c350d1


I have a samsung p2370 and le22c350D1 lying idle/without much use and would like to install them in 2 of my bedrooms and use them as TV.

For the samsung p2370 I guess I need a TV tuner card. Can you guys suggest a model or if there are better options than TV tuner cards. Also I am looking for a simple 2:1 speakers for this as the model doesn't have inbuilt speakers.

The speakers of le22c350d1 went kaput few months back and I am using 2:1 speakers. Is replacing the original speakers advisable, any experiences. external 2:1 means flexibility but less aesthetic appeal.

I am planning to wall mount them and I need one for the p2370, I already have a wall mount for le22c350d1. Any advice here?