Walmart and Bharti sign deal!

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yes, saw the news.

Is there anyone who can sign a deal with Tigerdirect/Newegg.:!​
All FMCG majors maybe scuttling back in FEAR for the biggest bargainer is back.. No doubt Ambani will also drive some super bargains for us..

Big Bazzar has lost some shine due to substandard merchendise it has in its stores. Those DJ&C clothing quality suck big time.
i invite them to india..:)

we the customers will be benifited by this :D

now..when will newegg & other online sites start a Indian section...:@
Quad Master said:
All MALL Wars are starting in India.

War wud be an underrating. This is analogous to a slaughter! :devil2:

What with the biggest supply-chain giant finally making a grand entry in the worlds biggest consumer market after china and making an establishment among the itsy-bitsy retailers around. This is huge for us customers though! Tis great! Hope tlast we get to lay hands on cheaper-in-cost and exuberant-in-quality products doing away with the oligopoly of local malls with cheap-matter high-costs. :)
super_saiyan said:
i invite them to india..:)

we the customers will be benifited by this :D

now..when will newegg & other online sites start a Indian section...:@

Lets hope they start an Indian version of their sites like
well bharti recently threw tcs frm 5th position and than some other company frm 4th now its the 4th most richest company in india.........i see this deal as a slap on reliance becoz now they have got a competiter........i do support bharti alot...and am unhappy with relaince tactics hope we see a reliance downfall in future
super_saiyan said:
^OMG ... did u say

where people still sell amd 3000+ for 7-8K?

& used Nokia 6600 for 9K...:rofl:

Sorry my bad... yup i agree with u that the price are crap.
magnet said:
well bharti recently threw tcs frm 5th position and than some other company frm 4th now its the 4th most richest company in india.........i see this deal as a slap on reliance becoz now they have got a competiter........i do support bharti alot...and am unhappy with relaince tactics hope we see a reliance downfall in future

Uh oh... Whats wrong with Reliance? Dont know about tactics, but in strategic planning no one comes close to mukesh ambani in india currently.
^i dont care who gets the profits & who stays on top , until it benefits us (the customers)...

OT :

but 1 thing has stumped me..

a few years before..i heard that honda & suzuki were entering indian 2 wheeler segment..

i was soo happy that i would finally ride some good horses below my ass///

but damn..after these many years...all i see is their sales sour...but they did the same thing that bajaj&HH have been doing since indian independence... they gave us 150cc high speed premium bikes..:o
Hmm the retail boom has been seeping to us also, my mom no longer buys vegetables frm the local sabziwalla, but instead prefers godrej's naturebasket. Not only are the vegetables much more fresher and richer, but they are also cheaper, with an amazing home delivery service.
josh u got me offence with mukesh...that anil is lil bS.....

he gives free energy to politicians than hike rates oflocal public......also the 26/7 mumbai rain.....there were many areas there was noelectricity for 7-10 days......and when cm says we will penalised u...he says jus do it.....and wewill stop electricity in whole state......and becoz of voe bank th cm never did it.......a pure blk mailer
^^ LOL they will not follow the same format, as they need to customise. Walmart failed miserably in South east asian countries like Indonesia, S Korea, Japan etc because they just got the American model, they are not going to do the same deal here.

BTW just for the fact Reliance is investing Rs 250,000,000,000 for its retail operations in India...
@magnet. Yup Anil is still to get his act together. He should have launched like anything given the lauchpad his brother gave him. But Reliance Communication is not like as it was with Mukesh. Look how much Airtel has gained out of the faisco these two got themselves into.

Anyways on the topic, the name they suggest is "Bharti Wal- MART " . Indianised version of Wal Mart... :rofl:
super_saiyan said:
^OMG ... did u say

where people still sell amd 3000+ for 7-8K?

& used Nokia 6600 for 9K...:rofl:

Who Buy from ebay your money surely dubay :rofl:
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