Want a Gmail Account?? Look no further...Help is here


Any1 want a Gmail account?? But dont know where to get an invite???
Well there are many helpful ppl out there and just look what some1 did...created a whole collection of Gmail invites... :hap2: :hap2: :clap:
So if you want a gmail account just follow the given link....

Happy Gmail'n
You can also contribute your invites here.....
Anyways Now the Invite spooler is dead good for those who wanted some exclusivity......Looking at the flip side old forums will b bumped for invites:p
I have gotten the word from Gmail's Product Manager that my service is no longer tolerable. At midnight PDT June 7th, 2005, this service was disabled. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all who contributed to this service. Your generosity helped out a vast number of people and for that you should be proud.

The gmail spooler email account is now deactivated and any mail sent to it will bounce. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to drop me a line: -email [@] isnoop.net

Did you know there was more to this site than just a Gmail invite spooler? Check out some of the other fancy tools and toys I've whipped up.

--Ian "isnoop" Anthony

That was flowing in RSS last night ..

it_waaznt_me posted 1.27 minutes later:

Ammm.. That email link wasnt killed even if added that hyphen to it .. So .. I have to edit it ...