Want to buy a basic mobile for dad

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Want to buy a basic mobile for dad. Budget anywhere between 5k rto 10k.

Non touch screen
Good looking
Good build quality
Basic camera
Simple to use as he has been a nokia guy till date
Long battery life

I have looked at micromax's full qwerty keyboard phones and they look okey. How good is q7.
Q7 is pretty good phone by Micromax.
It had been even dubbed as the best in MM's line of phones till date. So yes it has got good reviews.

But honestly, if your Dad has been using Nokia, why tinkering with options of gifting a qwerty keypad phone?
Good they might be, but they do leave even the newer generation baffled by combination of keys needed to execute simple operations.
My suggestion would be that if your Daddy Dearest has been a Nokia user, stick with nokia.

Few simple phones by Nokia:
Nokia 1616
Nokia 3110 Classic
Nokia 3110 Evolve (My Vote)[ Pic ]
Ah if you are talking about slider..

Nokia 2220 [ Pic ]

Nokia 6700 slider (has 2.5 mm jack i think)

Nokia 7230 Price: ~ 5.5 (Stylish Slider)

E63 is good phone too.

Good for messaging as well. E71 is similar too (and more preferred).
Yup +1 to the C5~7.8k. It satisifies all these criteria's.
If a slider then the Nokia X3~6.5k. Stylish slider and good SQ.
Other options are Nokia 6303/6303i~6k or the 5130XM ~ 4.8k
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