PC Peripherals want to buy a keyboard

i need a corded keyboard ...and is their any option to get a good gaming keyboard in this budget or a keyboard + MSR xbox controller...??
deadskin said:
i need a corded keyboard ...and is their any option to get a good gaming keyboard in this budget or a keyboard + MSR xbox controller...??

xbox controller is about 1.4k which still leaves you rs600 for your kb. should be enough for a corded one
IMO M$ keyboards are a good option too.But whatever k/b you goe,DONT get the ones which have very closely placed keys.Get something which has keys spread out
deepak said:
....y not a logitech???

I totally 101% DISLIKE Logitech Keyboards - I have had problems with every Logitech Keyboard I have bought - around 5 of them. My last Logitech was the MX3000 Cordles Laser Desktop and its keys - like all my Logitech Keyboards keys - have become hard to press in a few months of use. I dont play games and I dont type a lot.

Logitech Keyboards SUX but Micorsoft keyboards have worked great for me.... on the other hand .... Microsoft Mice SUX and Logitech Mice work fine with me :)
I have the wireless Logitech EX-111 combo. Cheapest wireless set I could find. I got it for around Rs 1,800/-. Works fine for me. No key sticking problems. Keys are quite shallow though v/s deep keys on any other keyboard but it helps in registering a keypress faster.

I've played F.E.A.R, Doom3, and am now doing Flatout2 and NFS Underground(don't think you can finish these games anyway). Ok for these games. Mouse has a little lag sometimes do to the wireless aspect but have not had problems gaming with it. Keyboard is very good but arrow keys are little too close to the right ctrl key which is irritating.

Well it's no gaming keyboard but just wanted to let people know that you can consider it for a little gaming on the side if it isn't your primary requirement.