Wanted : AS5

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Hey deejay. Am in need of AS5. Can u can send it over to Chennai ? How much would it cost me incl. shipping ?
Hey ,

The gr8 deejay, I am dire needs of AS5.
Tell me how can I get it, Do u have the full kit along with the syringes,etc
Pliz , I need it

U can pm me or mail me at supratim_sar"at the rate"yahoo.com
Rockyme2002 said:
U can get a new toob for 650 or less ;) if ur in mumbai :)

i am not from mumbai.......

rahul3111 posted 0.77 minutes later:

deejay said:
I got some fresh stock of AS5 today. if you need one email me.

chk ur mail dude ......
Nikhil said:
Where are you from???

Deck 16 ;) ....... i am from cochin ...... this place S***S ...... nothing is available here ....

@ deejay .....WTF how i can mail u ....it say u don't want to receive messages ...... u better mail or tell me how much i have to pay for that ....
I do not know how much Prime AGBG is charging for it (3.5 gms tube) but as a special price i will offer it for a price of 75/- less than the price sold by prime.

Shipping extra on actual basis (should be around 10 / 20 rupees max)
interested members may email me @
Edit: Can any member who has recently purchased from prime or locally post the price for the 3.5 gms tube of AS5.
Is it just the tube you are selling Deejay ? How much temp diff can it make ? If more than 5-10 degrees, count me in for a tube.
anishcool said:
Is it just the tube you are selling Deejay ? How much temp diff can it make ? If more than 5-10 degrees, count me in for a tube.
No. its not just the tube. There is AS5 inside the tube too.:eek:hyeah:
re: Temp. difference, it depends upon how you apply it. and the general air flow inside ur cabinet.
but you have to be patient. it takes about 1 month for the effects of AS5 to be really visible.(multiple thermal recycling) initially you will get a dip of about 3 ~ 5 C on load and after about a month 5 ~8C on load.
The exact procedure to apply and the what low temps one should expect is mentioned clearly on the arctic silver website. kindly refer to it before you or other members decide to purchase it. i cannot Definitely or Safely predict the drop in temps unless i have physical ascess to the system.
well generally there will be a drop of 5-7 C in ur CPU temp.but remember to apply the paste thoroughly otherwise there might even be a increase in temps.
and yes as deejay pointed out the real results will only be visible after 200 hrs or so of usage
What happened , u r not responding to my mail regarding AS5.
I need it urgently.

regenade2 posted 2.57 minutes later:

Hey Deejay,
Which one of the two pix in the link is the one that u r intend to selling
Just wanna know out of curosity & in fact whats the diff between the 2.

the difference is the size...... the bigger tube is 12grams..... the smaller one is lesser.

I think DJ is seeling thr smaller one for around 600/-
I have received all your emails.

it is the smaller tube of 3.5 gms

i am just waiting for the confirmation of price. perhaps some helpful member will post it here soon or else i will call prime tomorrow and confirm.
deejay said:
i am just waiting for the confirmation of price. perhaps some helpful member will post it here soon or else i will call prime tomorrow and confirm.

one post from Chip-India forums says AS5 is available for Rs.650 with Prime ABGB.. The post was made on June 14th 2005. thats like a week ago.. I am not saying that's the absolute price, but thats what i got from a google search :D


Thanks masky for the info.

any other member who has actually bought AS5 recently kindly post the price here so that i can finalise the price (mkt price - 75/-) and inform those members who have emailed me.
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