PC Peripherals Wanted Info : Hi-speed USB hubs.

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Are there any High-speed usb hubs available here or anywhere??
When i plug a card reader / usb pen into a HUB connected to PORTA.* ( where a is the actual port & * may be the port from the hub) i get a message that the device would perform better in a HIGH SPEED USB hub...when i remove the HUB & then plug the device i dont get any such messages....so how can i find out whether the USB hub i'm buying is a HIGH speed or low speed....i asked my local hardware dealer...but he argues that there is only one typical types of hubs....:huh:
Anyone with similar exps?
yeah checked that...they got the products that starts ranging from 800+ .
Actually what i'm asking is .. how can u identify if it is HIGH speed or 1.1 compitable??? ... it wont be printed.....is there anyway to find out visually?
I'm not sure what you mean by 'visually', but Hi-speed is USB 2.0. If the products supports USB 2.0, it's hi-speed. Usually, products do specify on the box if its USB 2. There's no way to check it visually. Both USB 1.1 & 2.0 products look the same.
ya they do print it on the product itself... if its hi-speed or no ...

i got a hub/a ide - usb device.. and its printed on em.. that they are hi-speed usb devices :)

otherwise it its 1.1 then it would be printed full speed usb device :)
usb high speed logo jpg.jpg

this is the only way.
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