WANTED : Macbook Geek for Interview on ZeeTV

Guys ..
this is an Emergency....
I need a Macbook user who has been fiddling with it for long enuf to blurt it out on television. [Zeetv: Gadgets and more.]
The shoot is scheduled to be tomorrow at Noida filmcity and hence we are short on time.

I am yet to recieve the info on the Macbook model up for review but it would be the latest one.
So in short, a user who has been fiddling with a macbook and can look up the few salient features in the new model and speak for the interview shoot.
I am asking for a prolonged user because i would like the interview to have few pertinent points about Macbook, giving it a professional touch.
Else i would have done it myself.
As per the directives recd, time wd be provided for the preparation so no need to worry.
-Shoot can be tomorrow (anytime as per convenience)
or On thursday morning.
Reply in here and..
PLS DO NOT VOLUNTEER IF YOU ARE NOT INTO MACs [sorry to say that but cannot scuttle this interview.. position at stake]
Thanks in advance
Yea i know lots of Macbook users are Mumbhais here.

Tracerbullet is never around when u need him. sigh.

Anyways.. banking on u guys to get one Macbook user.

ANY Macbook user will do.

I am expecting the person to have used the macbook for a while so that he/she is aware of the pros and cons of the gen macbook stuff.

Once that is achieved, person can be handed over a dossier regarding the new salient features. From there on the person can let his imagination fly and be comfy with his own verdict of advantages/disadvantages of the new launch. [hence an old mac user preference.]

Shoot can be tomorrow (anytime)

or On thursday morning.

Hope this clarifies things.

Will drop a msg to Ayush as well.
‘panarina’ and ‘trigger’, thanks for pointing ‘Spacescreamer’ to me. Do you guys know me from the Digit forum or just from my brief time here?
aryayush said:
‘pinarina’ and ‘trigger’, thanks for pointing ‘Spacescreamer’ to me. Do you guys know me from the Digit forum or just from my brief time here?

I'm from ThinkDigit forum. One of the few 'remaining' posters over there.
Update is that Ayush is out of station and no other Macbook crazy fellow located.

A reporter will be doing the review after reading from a set of printed sheet, Schedule of which i didnt bothered to ask. Too disappointing a show.

Thanks trigger, pina, harryneo for suggesting Ayush's Name.

Many thanks to Ayush for co operating from Guwahati.

Mods can close this thread. [Steve Jobs stop being a marauder.]