Wanted Weapons of Fate Demo out! (and full version too)

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the game was gud.too short thoug.took bout 3hrs of const play to complete.
faced a few bugs.sometimes the game wud just quite to dessktop (Windows 7 Build 7000)
Im having weird glitches when playimg the game,i get black screen,the hud and cover indicators are visible..but the only way i can get it back is by pressing esc and going back to the game.It may be short but its damn fun bending bullets and shiz,hell the cover system is better than GeOW since it allows me to see where im gonna end up
Are u on Win 7 as well?

I played and finished this game on Windows Vista 64bits w/o a single glitch or bug.. therez no such known issue or so with that.. must be something wrong with the drivers or something..

Try doing onething, from ur gfx card control panel add this game in the global settings list and enable VSync. Do not touch nething else.. apply the settings.. now start the game. Check all ur display settings like, ur Aspect ratio, Resolution and most important the FREQUENCY of that Resol.. like 1024x768 60Mhz or its 76Mhz..etc.. try to match it with ur desktop resolution and freq.

Solid_Snake said:
Im having weird glitches when playimg the game,i get black screen,the hud and cover indicators are visible..but the only way i can get it back is by pressing esc and going back to the game.It may be short but its damn fun bending bullets and shiz,hell the cover system is better than GeOW since it allows me to see where im gonna end up

2ndly, @ hellgate... u probably faced that problem, mebbe coz u ran it on Windows 7.
I just got one dam bug & that was the flame's light following my character. This happened once & it wouldn't go off until the next cut-scene appeared.
absolutely no idea wht / how it looked. Do u have a screenie of it ?
Ethan_Hunt said:
I just got one dam bug & that was the flame's light following my character. This happened once & it wouldn't go off until the next cut-scene appeared.

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