Warmonger--nvidia Physx !!??!!

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Just tried out the forceware 177.79 along with NVIDIA PHYSX system software version 8.07.18......tested with WARMONGER. Here r some screenshots(notice the enormous particle count dust n debris...lots of breakable stuff and fluttering clothes also) :





will update with UT3 PHYSX map pack screenies soon.

card used is a OCed 8800GT
Honestly, texture and details look awful. CoD4 is better and Crysis is far far better.

But then I understand that's not the point of Physx. The point is the gameplay experience with all that breakable stuff and dynamic particles. Right?

What kind of frame rates you got with 8800GT with Physx?
guys warmonger was designed so the dudes at ageia can show what their baby(phyx) is capable of. plz dont compare it with system hungry games like cod4 or crysis
but can we get playable frame rates on that card if such phyx are enabled in say games like cod4?? and what card would it actually require?? can it be done on ATI cards as well.. ?? heh so many questions..
1) Framerates with PHYSX enabled frm control panel : 55 upwards
Framerates with PHYSX disabled : 10-20 :bleh:

2) Tried GEARS first, much more particle count, the dusty gusts of winds look amazing

3) Both GEARS n UT3(with PHYSX MOD PACK) running very smoothly, with very high FPS.......so i guess COD-4 wont b an issue.

4)U cant at present do this on ATI hardware.....HAVOK hardware acceleration is coming AFAIK

5)Here's a few UT3 screenies(OMG its a hailstorm):



well i have installed 177 series of drivers for Vista x86.
but i dont see any change? how to check if it is installed correctly and working fine. anybody checked it on Vista ?
installed both the softwares.....
well i have installed 177 series of drivers for Vista x86.

but i dont see any change? how to check if it is installed correctly and working fine. anybody checked it on Vista ?

installed both the softwares.....

Install a few supported games....

1)WARMONGER(u'll recv a dialog box asking u of using a Physx processor, framerates will b abysmal w/o Geforce/ageia hw acceleration enabled)

2)GRAW-2(If u r able to set PHYSX to high or extreme in the video settings then u hav configured ur NV Physx successfully)

3)NV will soon come out with a PHYSX pack with a whql version of the 177 series drivers, physx system sw and a few demos....eta is 2day afaik.

4)As per NV, all cuda enabled geforce cards(read 8,9,gtx200 series) supports PHYSX
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