Warner Bros. charges Bajaj with copyright violation

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NEW DELHI: India's largest two and three-wheeler maker Bajaj Auto Ltd - which has been facing copycat issues with Chinese rivals - has now been charged with plagiarism.

Warner Brothers Studios has charged the firm of copyright violation for using a Harry Potter lookalike model in the advertisements for its bike Discover.

Bajaj's reaction:

"The West feels that anyone in a red bikini is Baywatch and any flying boy is Harry Potter. Our concept of Jadoo is unique and we don't believe it's copied from Harry Potter,"a company official said. "We feel the claim is exaggerated."

Those Bajaj ppl r STUPID.Any one seeing the Ad will instantly recognize who the boy is.:@

Well, it is obvious that Bajaj copied.... No doubt abt that....

but this
The West feels that anyone in a red bikini is Baywatch and any flying boy is Harry Potter.

is HILARIOUS!! and somewhat true also...
one could say that they were inspred by harry potter but they did not copy it.:D :D :D

This is somewhat similar to the way so many of our creative bollywood people are inspired by hollywood movies and western music.

In fact R&D has a new meaning here- Read(or see)and Duplicate.

honestly they need to get a better ad agency who'll do something more original.

surely they can afford one?
Yup its instantly recognisable...

Actually Bajaj have been stupid. They could have taken permission from Warner and used HP properly (if that was their idea..)
and on top of that.. these ppl are sayin that the new stint is gonna be out pretty soon ..

Wel .. lets say .. they are another step into Stupidity ..
hmm then suzuki should file a copyright voilation against the ad for acheiver .. cause that ad is a ditto copy of the hayabusa ad!!

but ya agreed bajaj should have taken permission from warner bros for using the HP lookalike... you know how finicky the americans are..!!
^^ my thots eggjactly..

Idiots could've thot up of something better....
Maybe the choice they had was copy HP or use some over-paid cricketer for the ad..
The ad is pathetic. I hoped for the bike to go down in sales and bring in losses the first time i saw that Harri Puttar. Bajaj deserves this and so do many others who keep ripping out ideas.
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