Warning about free e-mail services offering large Inbox storage space ...


Just a warning. I use Yahoo mail and for the past few days when I log on I get a error message "There was a problem accessing your account". I assumed it was a temporary thing and would "just go away". However, it persisted for a few days. Then I sent a report to Yahoo ( the error message has a link for that ). Yahoo replied "This is typically a transient error message. Clicking on the refresh button in your browser or signing out and back into your account will often resolve the issue." followed by " we can reset your Yahoo! Mail account. This means that all information that was formerly stored in the account cannot be retrieved".

Since Yahoo offers 1GB of space, my Inbox has several months of emails which I would not like to lose. If I opt to reset my account the loss would be considerable. Just wanted to warn you guys. Maybe, use Ypops to download the mail at regular intervals. That's what I used to do before the storage space was increased to 1GB.
I'm not locked out of my account, there seems to be a problem with the server which has my Inbox/account. When I log on I get the error message mentioned above. Sometimes it happens just after I log in, sometimes when I try to look at the contents of the Inbox, sometimes when I try to view / send a e-mail.
Many of you must already be aware of this but Yahoo Mail now allows (free) POP access to your Yahoo account ( via Options -> POP Access and Forwarding ). There's a small catch though : some ads sent as mail too. Seems a small price to pay for users like me who prefer Outlook Express. You could choose to retain the mail on the server by choosing "Leave a copy of messages on the server" via Tools -> Accounts -> Properties -> Advanced.
The same error message took place for my dad's account. Hes now shifting to a business id and is dumping Yahoo. The problem was there for 3 days!!