Well, I dont have the box of my CPU. It is lost. Cannot be found. Was a dumass to throw it away with the cabby box and packing and monitor packing and box and all that.
Anyway, I spoke to the dealer who sold me the comp and he says this
Is it true?? Will having the duplicate copy of the bill help to get warranty??
PS: Nothing has happened to my CPU as yet. Just want to be sure. That is all
Anyway, I spoke to the dealer who sold me the comp and he says this
I can give you the duplicate bill to you for your reference. I hope this will help you. But If you want to take any warranty claim from AMD / Intel, they will insist for the box I guess. However I will do my best to get all possible details for you.
Is it true?? Will having the duplicate copy of the bill help to get warranty??
PS: Nothing has happened to my CPU as yet. Just want to be sure. That is all