PC Peripherals Wat to do with older h/w.

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Well, many may know tat i recently bought a athlon amd/ a7v400 mobo+proc due to some fault in my older ones. The question is wat shud i do with them. The servicemen said there is problem with both proc and mobo, somthing prob with their heat sinks..The actual prob was tat processor was not ever starting( or spinning) They said the hear caused some prob in them, and so i will hav to replace them.. It was an intel D850GB mobo with p4 1.4 ghz proc! :( I also had a 394 RDRAM supporting them, which also i had to replace, but they are in fully working condiiton. I tried to sell them in market of TA,TE, digit, but no responses came yet or succeedeed till now..

Any suggestions of reusing them usefully( either in money ;) or something else)

Hmmm....it wud be better if you gifted them to someone....

thats what my dad told me to do....instead of getting about 7K for the whole comp, it wud be much better if u gifted it to someone u know...atleast they can also experience computers :)
well blue, if u r absolutely sure the problem is with both the board and the processor, then u cant do much about it. And selling RD RAM is not easy either. Not many ppl went with RD RAM systems when they were introduced b'coz of higher cost and those who had, have either upgraded already or not willing to upgrade at all.

Perhaps u cud get the board n CPU tested by someone else (if u know) who is a hardware technician and if found good, u cud use it as a secondary system on home LAN or cud sell it at a reasonable price to generate enough interest, or perhaps gift/donate it!
why all are saying abt gifting or donating!

cant u ppl suggest something else! :huh:
why are u reading suggestions about gifting/donating only? why arent u reading other suggestions mentioned?
The price of ur RDRAM was too high.If u r willing to part at 1/2 the stated price,a friend of mine may be interested.
SunMysore said:
Hmmm....it wud be better if you gifted them to someone....

thats what my dad told me to do....instead of getting about 7K for the whole comp, it wud be much better if u gifted it to someone u know...atleast they can also experience computers :)
well said..i agree with u

give it to someone needy ...interms of experimentation
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