Watching .CBR format files in PSP

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I have a pretty huge collection of comics in .cbr format and always wanted to view them in PSP. Mine is not modded and I have no inclination to mod it. So this is how I managed to do after searching the interwebz for a long time.

Download PSPHOTO Tokyopia: PSPhoto 2.1

And right click your .cbr file and open it with winrar or winzip and extract it to a folder. Now you have all your .cbr images in .jpeg formats ripe and ready for conversion.

Just select all the images in the extracted folder and drop it into PSPHOTO and voila!!! there you have it. Best part is you can watch text files also in PSP using this.
you're missing out. there's a fantastic homebrew comic book reader available for the psp that that rivals what cdisplay (the most popular cbr reader in the world) can do for the pc. the most useful part is that it navigates multi pane comics very intuitively. can't recall it's name though for some reason.
spindoctor said:
you're missing out. there's a fantastic homebrew comic book reader available for the psp that that rivals what cdisplay (the most popular cbr reader in the world) can do for the pc. the most useful part is that it navigates multi pane comics very intuitively. can't recall it's name though for some reason.

I know that I'm missing out a lot because I haven't modded my PSP. But then again this is the second one I have and the first one got bricked during modding process.[Incompetent a******s:@ ] That's why a phobia to mod this one.
neoronin said:
I know that I'm missing out a lot because I haven't modded my PSP. But then again this is the second one I have and the first one got bricked during modding process.[Incompetent a******s:@ ] That's why a phobia to mod this one.

i bricked my psp too when i first tried modding it. that was about 6 months before pandora's battery was made.

in case you don't know, any bricked psp can now be unbricked using a pandora's battery. so it's completely safe to mess around with psp modding now. i realize that it can be a difficult hurdle to cross psychologically, but once you do, there's a whole lot of awesome homebrew software waiting for you on the other side ;)
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