Water Cooling Help needed

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I need a CPU cooling solution that will allow a 4Ghz overclock on my I7 930..
I am interested in liquid cooling but i am not sure about the prices will fit in my budget( 8k-9k).Also looking in to H50/70 or any air cooler that will allow a stable overclock of 4GHz ..
Can anyone provide the prices for the liquid cooling components and their availability in INDIA???:):):)
if u can

then get the xspc rasa kit form the states it should work out to under 9k with shipping and customs as it is 130usd by itself

or u could always get 2 h50's and them up and get good fans
I am going for Rasa rs240 kit..Coming up to 9k from sidewindercomputers.com incl shipping..

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Is there anyone who wants to buy from sidewindercomputers.com or svc.com..

On bulk order shipping cost reduces...(Applicable on any item)..
If just overclocking your i7 930 to 4Ghz is your target, then almost ANY third party cooler can do that, and that too almost at the same temp. when compared to that water cooling kit. Consider, NHD14/Venomous X/Megahalem, they will cost you below 4K AFAIK. And if your chip and mobo is upto the task, then can overclock 930 to even 4.4-4.6Ghz.
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