water purifier

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which water purifier to get ? would prefer wall hung. i bought auqacare RO model for 8k 2 times the machine would flood up and the after sales is so horrid lets not even go there. after one month i got my money back. thinking about the philips one which costs 8k as well but is only UV. i guess for bombay that is fine. other than that would like some sugggestions.
why dont you have a look at the range from eureka forbes

been using their purifiers for the last 20 years

their RO range is also quite good

and the after sales service is also awesome

my advice is get one from eureka forbes and you wont regret it
Kent RO the wall mounted model-have been using for 1.5yrs direct with my Bore -Well Connection (hardness 1700 ) purified water is 125...amazing...till date no service issues
short story :

i got auqasure Ro from EF. on 4 oct. it came broken out of the box. meaning that some valve leaked and it flooded the thing. this happens after one week after that fellow comes for installation. 4 idiots come and have no clue. i get fed up and screw the dealer and company. at first they wanted to repair it. i said i just paid 8k and u want me to repair the stuff. after 15 days and a lot of abusing and fighting later i get a replacement. and another week later the installer again comes and again lots of abusing. and guess what the same problem in this as well. 2 products same kind so design flaw definately. i get fedup and 4 nov. i get my money back after wasting a lot of time and money behind this junk.
Euroka forbes, Kent and all RO brand dealers do nice marketing, but when it come to service, they give you hell lot of issues. I did lot of research on this and finally decided to buy one from a local vendor,surprisingly it costed only 5.5k (these people name it whatever they want for their product like aquaclean..aquaclear, etc). I clean the fillters my self (it is very easy, there is no rocket science here) and when the taste of the water is changing I call some of the local vendors who is into this business and ask them to check/change the sediment filter. I using this for the past 2 yrs, and i dont have any issues. Please do some research by yourself and decide.

ive been using Eurekaforbes AQUAGUARD for the last 2 yrs......no issues yet and the after sales service is great!
I suggest you don't touch Eureka Forbes with a barge pole. Lots of sales effort is all gas. I have tried UV purifiers for many years now. RO is not advisable when you get BMC water.

Since you seem to be from Mumbai, my suggestion is to go for a microfilter type of purifier. The cheapest ones like PureIT from Hindustan Lever are great but convenient only if you don't have 24 hours running water.

I have the Permionics one which is very good. There are quite a few other brands also that make it. It is a very simple but effective technology. Our resident doctor at TE (username medpal) has done quite a study on this and a thread exists somewhere. Go look for it.
I recently closed a deal on BARC's water filter. For corporation's water supply, using the normal filters is enough. RO is needed only for heavy water like from borewell. Medpal's posts really do help a lot. I am using Rupali B'Nova filter that costed me 2500rs (market cost 3000rs) in 2 homes, and going very well.
There is one which is approved by BARC... sorry I forget name.. may be "dolphin"... one TE member told me same
I just bought a Philips UV purifier.

Apparently RO membranes dont last if you get chlorinated water supply, so it is only recommended for bore wells with a high TDS.
@jesal : if you are getting BMC water which is not hard usually so no need to go for RO system.

UV systems will also require some sort of maintainance or AMC to maintain them

As Emperor suggested either go for Permionics / Hindustan Unilever Ultra filteration products which will suffice your needs. I am also using Permionics for last 5 years without any problems.

here are earlier threads for your referance :
Don't ever go with Rupali Brand water purifier, after sales service is very very painful & staff is non- cooperative though the field guys are good but they are helpless due to top brass of this company & their polices. They straight away saying NO for service giving reason that "We Sold Product as Self Maintained" so we will not send any Service Person you service it yourself as it's very easy"?

Who will explain them that it's easy from your point of view as you everyday deal & handle product & well versed with technical aspects but what about a Consumer who don't know ABC of same... isn't it link to ask newbie to assemble PC as it's easy to Hardware Tech person :(
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