WAZE - Free GPS Navigation software with Social networking

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got to know of this wonderful GPS app.
It is available for Android ,WinMo , Symbian and Some blackberry models.

It is basically a pretty good turn by turn navigation software , uses internal GPS receiver and most importantly Free.

Work very similar to Google maps by downloading live maps from the internet.

The most interesting part is however the fact that you can report traffic (something non existent in Indian GPS navigation landscape), see if any friends of yours are active in nearby areas, chat with them on traffic and road statuses.


Other features include
1) smart traffic density prediction based on historical average speed and your car's average speed. Road traveled changes colour based on traffic condition.
2) earn points ,ranks ,goodies similar to arcade games.
3) pave your own roads in case you take a road non existent on the map , but actually is a real road.
4) you can join groups to see fellow group members traversing the roads in your vicinity.

Have been using it since yesterday and loving ti every bit.
^ You can get it checked at a priority dealer. I use Ovi navigation extensively on my 5800 XM, and it works like a charm. The initial locking does take long after a restart, but once you have used it, subsequent locks are got quicker
Its good. Better than most nav solutions as it can guide you with voice navigation using google maps. And every one knows how good google maps is, especially the search part.
^ how does that work? When I turned it on it only gave me a blank screen, which I assumed to mean that it had no maps in my area. How does it use google maps for turn-by-turn voice navigation?
vebk said:
^ how does that work? When I turned it on it only gave me a blank screen, which I assumed to mean that it had no maps in my area. How does it use google maps for turn-by-turn voice navigation?
Same here...All i got was blank screen. :S
Strange. After a flash screen of the software I immediately get a map with my position.

For google maps, when I search through the "Drive to" option it shows me a few options with google maps options as separate, if I select the latter it starts guiding me the way any voice navigation software would.

Which iOS are you guys running?
^^ Use it once when WiFi connectivity is available, so the app is able to download the initial data / maps. You should be good to go later.
mjumrani said:
Strange. After a flash screen of the software I immediately get a map with my position.

For google maps, when I search through the "Drive to" option it shows me a few options with google maps options as separate, if I select the latter it starts guiding me the way any voice navigation software would.

Which iOS are you guys running?

iOS? I am using Android 2.2
So far I can't figure out how to work it in Android. i can only get it to find directions via google map but not navigation.
After the recent update on my i4, its stopped searching google. Even though navigation is still there but its irritating as now i can't find more than half of the places and have to depend on Mobile Maps...
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