Web filter: urgent help

Hi folks,

I am looking for a dedicated webfilter for a small office (15-25 computers). I don't want anything running on a computer, but a dedicated device to do the job.

Something like

Barracuda Web Filter - Content Filtering and Spyware Protection

These are, however, pricey. Plus my budget is very limited, and I can settle for anything cheaper (read most inexpensive). The built-in filter in entry-level routers does not seem to work for me. I have tried SMC and Netgear. Any recommendations?
^^Spam. No idea what iBoss is (could be good, could be bad) but notel1 comes in and posts his one and only post here? Wow. What a coincidence.
Thanks Arya. Yes iBoss' post could be spam - but worth a look, I hope.

Edit: Arya, I have just been meddling with open DNS. Looks good, but maybe a good router with whitelists/blacklists might suit my needs more. I can then give full access to one or two trusted IPs on the network - that is something I will need.

Any suggestions?
run a proxy on your gateway machine...connecting via your ISPs DNS. let these machine's connect through that proxy. Managing the lists will be too much work.
Arya said:
run a proxy on your gateway machine...connecting via your ISPs DNS. let these machine's connect through that proxy. Managing the lists will be too much work.

Any suggestions for the proxy program? One that has inbuilt filtering as well? Whitelists/blacklists?