web hosting plans ?


Dec 13, 2005
If your budget permits, I'd recommend using GoDaddy.com but since you don't need more than 10mb webspace, try Net4Domains.com or theWebArtist.com - I don't recommend these two, however, because emails sent via their mailservers get classified as SPAM by major webmail providers like Gmail, Yahoo, MSN, among others. As well, they charge on an annual basis and once you pay you're locked in for a year... not a good practice at all.


May 5, 2006
Why Windows hosting? Why not Linux hosting?

godaddy hosting sucks and it starts with $4 a month!! :tongue: Thats $48 a year, more than Rs. 2000 at current exchange rate. There are far better and cheaper options!

Even I can provide hosting that will be on a far better server, but Linux :p You can try it for free for 30 days. PM me if you are interested!


Apr 1, 2005
ashishmehta said:
godaddy hosting sucks and it starts with $4 a month!! :tongue: Thats $48 a year, more than Rs. 2000 at current exchange rate. There are far better and cheaper options!

I paid 36$ for 1 year domain renewal + 12 months economy hosting.

(thx to the godaddy secret code it was very cheap)

So check your calculaator again. Just bcoz you are a competitor of godaddy doesnt mean they suck.

Can your plans get cheaper than this???


May 5, 2006
lol I am too small to compete with godaddy. What's the GoDaddy server config? I have XEON 3GHz with 2GB RAM. You can take a search around web and blogs for what people say about godaddy hosting. :) Now-a-days you can find hundreds of opinions at a click.

Plus, Godaddy oversells their server space and bandwidth very heavily (specially in shared hosting)! Consequently, their servers are over crowded and some sites may crawl. They may have given you some GBs of space. How much do you really use? So they oversell.

Per MB cost in economy plan is approx Re. 0.50. Thats too low! There is one golden rule in hosting "If something is too good to be true, its probably not true". :D I can give at Rs. 20 per MB (min 25MB), but lower per MB than that, I simply lose interest in the deal ;) Its only Rs. 500 a year!


Mar 24, 2006
^^ Well i have seen u r marketing too well on TE... ;)

How many xeon servers u have ???

2GB Ram is ok...

What bandwidth ??

Name some sites u host...

About GoDaddy hosting...TE is probably hosted there and we have not seen downtimes in quite a while now otherthan upgradation downtimes..

Also do u give guarantee of ur server downtimes ??


May 5, 2006
I am somewhat new you see. So not too many servers. Very frankly, not even 1 ;) I am a reseller! Thats a frank admission! Some time ago, I was contemplating a dedicated server or a VPS but managing it takes too much time.

Bandwidth depends on the space taken. Usually it will be between 10 times the space to 15 times the space. But I am not too strict on its usage unless its way beyond the allotment and creates problems for me.

I can oversell bandwidth and space like godaddy. But I am trying to control myself :D IMHO, overselling is somewhat unethical. But I have some unused bandwidth and I can allot more in spacial cases. For example, one site is allotted 40 times the bandwidth! Its as per requirement.

I guess, Techenclave is on a VPS. VPS is alltogether a different ball game. What I am talking about is shared hosting from godaddy.

As for site on the same server, check your PM. For obvious reasons, I don't want to list my clients here. :bleh: :D

But I am ready to give free 30 day trial period. If someone is not satisfied, he is free to shift without payment for trial period. Uptime guarantee is 99.9%.

Phew!! Hope I have answered all queries :hap2:


Dec 13, 2005
Ashish, you speak as though you've tried all hosting companies out there... don't blurt things out like you have without facts. I have used more than 5 hosting companies over the last 7 or 8 years and godaddy has been the best in terms of VFM and service. The 3 indian hosting companies I used in the past sucked to say the least, and network solutions was too expensive although their service offering is outstanding.

Bottom line: cut your BS and stop pretending that your offering is competitive. Cheaper is not always better and free service is a bunch of crap... for the record, godaddy is less expensive than other solutions out there but their features are on par with the best in the industry. If you still think your service is superior, I'll tell you everything I have with godaddy and you try and match their features and reliability.


May 5, 2006
:rofl: A person doesn't need to try out everything on his own. He can learn from other's mistakes too. :D Why are so agitated? Relax! I haven't looted anyone and don't intend to. :p If you think what I offer is BS, don't take it. Its that simple! Take it from someone else or GoDaddy. Glad to know you are satisfied with Godaddy. Stay with them and enjoy your hosting. What I have given is my opinion. People are capable of forming their own opinion. BTW, I don't force anyone to go with me, they can go with anyone. But IMHO, Godaddy hosting isn't upto the mark.

BTW, here're some quotes that I found about reviews on Godaddy Hosting. I searched at Google with the search term "godaddy +hosting +reviews". Here're some unfavourable opinions of the users on the first link (Go Daddy Review, User Reviews of Go Daddy). Read it, there some favourable ones too. I haven't read any other link. People can do so if they wish to.
GoDaddy is the most inflexible webhost I have used to date. The price is cheap, but you get stripped down service with a customer support team that absolutely refuses to budge on anything. For example, I needed to host a site using Drupal as the Content Management System (http://www.drupal.org). GoDaddy refused to give my MySQL account "Lock" permissions over the database, which is a requirement for the Drupal system. Also, I have found GoDaddy's performance to be exceptionally poor. If I check my site at 4:00 am, I get decent hit time (2 to 3 seconds to load my site) but if I check during prime time (and it isn't my site getting the hits), it can take upwards of 1 minute sometimes to load my site. I would speculate that they simply overload their servers to the point where one high traffic site on a server screws over everyone on it...

For a shared server i would not recommend it unless you just want a simple website - no registration - no forms or other things that take php, asp, backend support coding.

Webhosting has CPU limitations. Their email service (securenetserver) has a dubious "anti-spam" database, rejects emails with windows-1251 and other charsets. Support did not help.

great price, but no CPanel, no fantastico scripts to help install phpBB or other useful scripts.

every other host I have been with that had CPANEL, I was up and running in minutes.

Godaddy.com hosting forces you to install everything yourself on the site.

Not recommended. Good domain registering prices, worst webhosts ever.

GoDaddy security is reliable but they are unable to provide technical support to webmasters with dynamic web sites and furthermore their poorly defined description of web hosting plans are misleading. GoDaddy may be considered good as domain registra with excellent security but they are 100% incompetent and misleading in hosting.

So here I am, 4 days on without a website, losing money. I am still waiting on a useful response from godaddy.com

Avoid godaddy.com at all costs.

By the way, my website is The Everyday Investor: For the Ordinary Investor who seeks Extraordinary Profits . I had to open up another hosting account with a new domain name so I could still be online during this problem. So using godaddy has already cost me over $100 in losses.

The bad things about GoDaddy hosting was the access to the domain features. The email creation was confusing and the site was way to busy with advertising. Worst of all, you had no access to install your own CGI scripts or any other type of script (which they said you could, but I don't see how because of lack of access to installing and scripts and using CHMOD).

There are so many unfavourable opinions on that very page and some of that really matter!!. :)


Dec 13, 2005
Nice quotes - now let's talk numbers... compare these handful of unhappy users with the number of registered users *still with* Godaddy. Every business will have unhappy customers and for various reasons... but as long as the % of unhappy users is insignificant when compared to your entire userbase (and godaddy must be having 0.001% unhappy customers), you will stay in business. I say this after running *real* ecommerce businesses on the web for the last 7 - 8 years, not based on others' random thoughts like you seem to frame your opinions around.

Btw, a lot of those comments above have to do with lack of user understanding and education... and why I seem irritated (agitated is a word out of place), I hate to see people make false claims just to promote their services. It's known as piggyback marketing on the WWW, and it's considered unethical.


May 5, 2006
RiO said:
Nice quotes - now let's talk numbers... compare these handful of unhappy users with the number of registered users *still with* Godaddy. Every business will have unhappy customers and for various reasons... but as long as the % of unhappy users is insignificant when compared to your entire userbase (and godaddy must be having 0.001% unhappy customers), you will stay in business. I say this after running *real* ecommerce businesses on the web for the last 7 - 8 years, not based on others' random thoughts like you seem to frame your opinions around.

Btw, a lot of those comments above have to do with lack of user understanding and education... and why I seem irritated (agitated is a word out of place), I hate to see people make false claims just to promote their services. It's known as piggyback marketing on the WWW, and it's considered unethical.

No sir! First thing first. I am not saying thigs about GoDaddy to sell my stuff! I repeat once again. People can go to anywhere and of course, I have nothing against it. (Even if I have, who cares :D)

But from what I have read at various places so far is that Godaddy hosting is not good, so I expressed my opinion and when required substantiated it with links. BTW, I do rely on other's opinion that I read and therefore so far haven't had need to switch hosting too many times!! If there are so many people saying so many things about it, you have to give it a thought!

Some of the things here are truly unfavourable!! For example not being able to run CMS due to MySQL locking problems, no cPanel, site slowdown, downtimes, etc. These are some of the things that matter!! And I have read many more things at various places. Can't find everything again just for the sake of this argument. :p

There is no intention to market. The question was asked and I answered. Godaddy was mentioned and I gave my opinion with links. I didn't start a thread saying purchase hosting for me!! I just made posts in existing threads of someone inquiring about hosting. And if I can give hosting, why should I not say I can give it!! :D

BTW, even if you are irritated (and not agitated), don't be! :) Afterall arguments in a forum are not worth it. :p


Dec 13, 2005
I don't have time for this... I was clear in my last post about what I thought of the anti-godaddy user comments posted and your marketing.

For the record, there is no issue running CMS and there is a cpanel... anyone who said there is none, is either blind or stupid. This is why I said you have to actually use the services out there in order to evaluate them.

As an advanced user, I've had no issues with Godaddy as compared to net4domains, thewebartist and a few others I have actually used.


May 5, 2006
Nice to know you are one of the lucky ones who had no probs with godaddy.

And as for marketing, do you mean to say I should not offer it even if I can give it? I don't see anything wrong with offerring. Did I even send a PM to the starter of the thread offering hosting? He may confirm it here if he feels like.

But all this is a matter of opinion. You have your opinion, I have mine. I don't feel convinced and I know, even you don't. :D Who cares? You don't, neither do I!


Dec 13, 2005
You offering hosting is not a problem... putting another service down and then offering your service is unethical, especially because you have no idea how big Godaddy is. On top of that, showing 10 comments of unhappy users to justify your original statement? Compare those 10 or even 1000 to the 10 million Godaddy registered users - that's my point! :)

There are better ways to present value of a service you're offering - you don't have to say "x" and "y" are horrible services, but I have something better (especially when you don't have first hand experience with those services).


Apr 12, 2005
Guys I have few doubts about godaddy:

-> RiO from your post it seems cPanel is there although there is no mention about it in the website

-> I am looking for cPanel and MySQL, is there any limitation on MySQL database size in godaddy?

-> how to buy webspace in godaddy from India? I dont have credit card, will ICICI card work??

-> Any idea if cms like moodle will work without any hitches in godaddy?

-> is there anyway to get discount code or something in godaddy?

thanks :)