CPU/Mobo Weird fan speeds


I'm having a problem with my system for the past few days. Initially the OS was crashing randomly. I thought I messed up something in OS, but today when the bios was booting it showed a message that my chip fan speed was too high.

When I entered the bios settings and saw the hardware monitor, the CPU and Mobo chip fan speeds were varying like hell (0-5000+ rpm). I opened up the case and the CPU fan was making a lot of noise.

What could be the problem? Is the SMPS pumping in wrong voltages? Or is it a Mobo problem?

(My system configuration is in my sig)
it showed a message that my chip fan speed was too high.

Sure ?? I had the A8N-E .. and the chipset fan was always running over 5000 rpm and i never got any error ..

But ofcourse , the CPU fan went to 5000 rpm only if the temps went high to 55c .. after i got the new cabinet , my CPU load temps were down to 45c , and fan was at ~3500 rpm ...

Ur OS's unstability problem could be due to high temps .. put in some case fans ..
deathvirus_me said:
Sure ?? I had the A8N-E .. and the chipset fan was always running over 5000 rpm and i never got any error ..

But ofcourse , the CPU fan went to 5000 rpm only if the temps went high to 55c .. after i got the new cabinet , my CPU load temps were down to 45c , and fan was at ~3500 rpm ...

Ur OS's unstability problem could be due to high temps .. put in some case fans ..

The problem is, the fan speed is varying very rapidly. It dips to zero and again rises.

Also the cpu and mobo temperatures are normal. I have the stock configuration only and haven't oc'ed anything. The system was working perfectly till last week and all of a sudden I'm having this problem.
The fan must be going kaput .. to stop the error u can stop the fan monitoring from the bios .. and if the temps are normal then u need not worry anyway ..
If the fan speed is varying so drastically, i would definitely NOT recommend turning off fan monitoring.

What SMPS/PSU are you using? A 6800GS in your rig would definitely warrant a good PSU. Does your BIOS report the line voltages as well? Note down the voltages and see how far out of spec its varying.
Crazy_Eddy said:
What SMPS/PSU are you using? A 6800GS in your rig would definitely warrant a good PSU. Does your BIOS report the line voltages as well? Note down the voltages and see how far out of spec its varying.

When I bought the system about an year ago, I skimped on the PSU. The wattage is there (500W), but the quality, I guess I got what I paid for. If I'm sure that it is a SMPS problem, I'll buy a new, good quality one. I'll have to check the voltages once I reach home.