Storage Solutions Weird LG H10N issue

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Everytime I erase a rewritable CD using the full-erase option in Nero, the CD then stops working in my drive. The drive tries to read it for a while then gives up.

- The CD works perfectly in my drive before erasing.
- The same CD works perfectly in my older combo drive even after erasing.

These are Memorex 4x CD-RW's I'm using and the same thing happened with 2 of them, so it can't be a random issue.
Well i always do i Quick Erase...

But well i'll try a full erase, and if the disk gets screwed then u owe me :P...


Stay Tuned
Okay i tried a full erase... and it works fine afterwards.

Tried on Samsung Pleomax 10x CD-RWs.

The issue maybe with the CDs ur using (maybe...).

H10N working great for me :).

Can u tell me exactly how long does it take u to write a CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW at Max speeds??
Maybe it's the cd's I am using. Although it's weird that the same cd's work on other drives even after the full-erase.

Writing 700mb of loose data on a CD-RW took around 20 min at 4x.
Writing a 2gb iso on a DVD-R took around 15 min. Forgot the speeds, but the media is rated 1-4x.

Is that about alright? Haven't tried anything else as I haven't got the media.
Yea i guess thats fine...

I write at Max Speeds... a full CD-RW at 10x takes around 7 1/2 minutes.

A DVD-R with around 4gb also took 7 1/2 minutes at 16x.

CD-R around 3 or 3 1/2 minutes.
Saumil, is the option enabled to do PIE/PIF scans using Nero CD/DVD speed? Mine isn't, this is very weird! I've even updated it to the latest firmware JL11.
^It won't be enabled. LGs do NOT support error scanning. The best you can do is a TRT from the main CD/DVDSpeed window (F2).
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