weird problem with ebay , cant place bids or buy the items at buy it now also :(

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It would be really helpful , please try to solve this problem guys .

I googled but could not find appropriate solution !

weird problem with ebay , cant place bids or buy the items at buy it now also :(

I spoke with ebay CC about the issue , even they have no idea

1. my account is not suspended
2. I tried on several computers
3. Cleared cache ,cookies
4. tried with several different browsers like mozilla , internet explorer .
5. both in and facing same error
6. Paypal account is linked to successfully

The error is like this ,

after clicking on buy it now , it asks again to login in , then again in and after that it shows the error as show in the below image
not sure.. but if u r trying to purchase from ebay India.. make sure your defualt shipping address is set to Indian address...
Try this.

While buying anything from make sure that your primary shipping address is an Indian address.

If you left your primary shipping address of US/UK, you face such problem.

Edit: bigbyte suggested same solution just 2 minutes before me. :)
make an ebay search for any time and sort it using price + shipping lowest lowest first.. in the shipping location popup make sure it has an indian pincode... (just above sort by.. shipping to..)..
@bigbyte : I tried everything buddy :( , low price with pincode and primary address , checked listing whether its ships to my location or not :( :(
^^^^ suspending is the worst !

They suspended my last account because I tagged with my paypal account which was not having Bank account and PAN number attached !! :@

what a reasonnn !
^ those employees are experts in asking for registration details and ebay ID , nothing else , after giving those info they will tell that they are not aware of the problem and we have to send mail to ebay and then those people tell us to call CC , WTF :@

if you go through live help , they will tell the same !
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