PC Peripherals Weird problem with MSI P965 Neo F


I have a MSI P965 Neo which has given me rock solid performance for more than a year now. I had 2 Samsung 160 GB Sata hard disks and they performed flawlessly. Trouble began when i bought a new 320 GB Seagate recently. When i connected it, it got recognized in the bios, but beyond that, it took ages to boot into XP, which was installed in one of the older 160 GB HDDs. Eventually, it did boot up, but all the while i could hear a strange ticking noise from the new hard disk.
Also, when i tried to partition the hard disk with partition magic, it gave an error message and didnt partition. Same happened with the windows internal partitioner. It said that there was a problem and format could not be completed. :(
I thought that maybe something was wrong with the hard disk. So i took it back to dealer and he gave me another in return as i was one of his regular customers.
Got back home and connected it. Same problem. :( Strange ticking noise from the hard disk. And it would not format either. Then i brought one of my friend's hdd for testing and yet again, the same issue.
then i did a bios update so that it was loaded with the latest version. Yet again, same issue.
that makes me believe that this motherboard's sata controller has some issues with 3 hard disks. Do you think, its the problem with the sata controller? :S
does anyone else have this motherboard? Have you faced a similar problem with 3 or more hdds on this motherboard?
If indeed this is the issue, then what is the solution? I'll be doomed if i have to change the motherboard for this weird problem. As apart from it, it has been highly reliable.:(
Yes. :( I tried all the 4 sata ports except for the JMicron one as many people adviced me against using the JMicron Sata port for a Hdd, as it gives very slow transfer rates.

As soon as the 3rd hdd is connected to any of the remaining 2 sata ports (of the total 4 that are controlled by the ICH8), one of the 3 hdd starts giving a ticking noise and the detection of the new hdd on XP gets slow. And it is not usable in XP. :( Is there any thing wrong with the motherboard? :S I have already updated the bios to the latest version. What else could be wrong? :S

I'm thinking of disposing this motherboard and getting a new one. Will Abit IP35 E be a good replacement? Or should i get an MSI P35 Neo? I'm highly satisfied by MSI's rock solid motherboard performance and reliability. As for Abit, i have never bought their products, so do not how good or bad their motherboards are compared to MSI.

Pls help. :(